How ProcessEx® Works

ProcessEx is so easy to use and has built in training for your processes and procedures.

Getting Started

Sign up – Create a Company Account

To get started, sign up and create an account. It is free.

Choose Your Processes

Choose from the list of available processes or create a new process.

Tailor Your Processes

Modify your process to make them unique.

Using the Application

Start a Process

A process is either kicked off automatically or from a user via a menu item. At the start of a process, a task will show up in an Inbox for a user to process.

To start a new request, expand the Requests menu item and select the request you want to start.

If you select a new Expense request, you can upload or preview the expense report supporting documentation.

After clicking the Check Out button, you are able to select a new Expense Report Support document file to upload.

After selecting Expense Report, you can upload or preview the expense report supporting documentation.

After clicking the Check Out button, you are able to select a new Expense Report document file to upload.

After selecting Expense Request Form, you can enter the request information.

After entering the Expense Report Form information, you can submit the request to the next step in the workflow.

Process a Task

From the Inbox, a user can see all their tasks. The status and notification areas show when an item is on time, nearing due or is late.

Select a task and process it according to the instructions.

Review a Process

For any process, click the details to review the entire process at one time. Understand the steps involved in completing the entire process. See the duration of the entire process and who is involved.

Monitoring Dashboard

Executive Dashboard

View all the processes you are accountable for or have access to view. Reprioritize important tasks while giving more time to other tasks. The Automated Admin updates your team automatically with any changes in the delegation of tasks. From the executive dashboard reassign workloads based on the amount of work that has to get done versus who is available to complete the work.

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